"One of the followers of 'Abbas Efendi named Mirza Mansur, who is now in India, was therefore commanded by his master to proceed at once to Jedda and there conspire with the Hajji above mentioned for the destruction of .Mirza Yahya. At that time the said Hajji was also at 'Akka, But whether the plot was concocted there or .at Jedda I am unable to say. To be brief, one night Mirza Mansur succeeded in administering to Mirza Yahya a poison which killed him at once. The subtlety of this plot lay in the perpetration of this horrid deed in such a city as Jedda*. "Before the conspiracy had accomplished its purpose, Abbas Efendi had written from 'Akka to one of his friends informing him that some such calamity would befall Mirza Yahya and that he would be punished, Hajji Mirza Hasan of Khurasan published in Cairo a pamphlet concerning this even and the .'Great miracle' wrought herein by 'Abbas Efendi. It is unnecessary to send you this lengthy pamphlet, our object being merely to make known to you the character of these peoples' intrigues. You must employ every needful precaution, for, should they be unsuccessful or disappointed in inducing you to return to their party, they will endeavor by every means and without scruple' to injure you. Concerning what befell Mirza Yahya we have heard from certain persons who were at Jedda at the time that as he had no heirs, and as his father-in-law, .the said Hajji was of 'Abbas Efendi's party and was also Persian Vice-Consul at Jedda, no one appeared to demand an enquiry into the causes of his death.

I therefore entreat you carefully to avoid taking from the hands of these people any food, drink, or other thing, although we know that the Lord (Glory be to Him) is the protector and Sustainer, and will without doubt protect His ends and shelter those love Him, especially him who displayed the greatest energy, and has fought so faithfully in preaching to the people the Manifestation of His Most Great Name al-Abha.

"Mirza Abu'l-Fazl [of Gulpayagan] and Hajji Mirza Hasan [of Khurasan] and the others, while they were here recently, did not visit any of the Unitarians, neither the Blessed branches (Aghsan)* nor the others They neither wrote nor spoke to them concerning the differences of faith, and some of them used even to avert their faces from them if they happened to pass each other in the street."


Where the crime would easily pass unnoticed as, in fact, was the case
** i.e. 'Abbas Efendi's three younger half-brothers, Muhammad Ali, Badi’ullah and Ziya’ullah.