Amongst those events which can hardly be believed is that one day when we were sitting at table, Abbas Efendi, addressing his remarks to some of the most respected of the American pilgrims, described to them certain important events in their past lives of which he was already cognizant by means of one of the American pilgrims1 who wrote them down, desiring that they should be translated into Arabic for the information of Abbas Efendi. Then he addressed his conversation to one of the notable and respected ladies and prophesied to her about the life of her son in the future and the renown he would attain, saying, "After ten thousand years his journal will be sent *as a present of great price from one king, to another king." After he rose from the table, Khayru'llah approached him and showed how unfavorably he had been impressed by what had happened. But Abbas Efendi, smiling, laid his hand on Khayru'llah 's shoulder, and said to him, " Verily this was for a good reason which thou canst not understand at present."


Amongst his prophecies was also the following. We were with him at table when of the American pilgrims2 asked him to permit then to take his photograph, for it had never been taken save when he was a young man of twenty-seven in A.H. 1284 (A.D. 1867). He refused, however, to grant permission, saying that it would only be taken when his Father's crown3 should be placed on his head and he should be led forth to martyrdom, when thousands of rifle bullets should pierce his body. His words had a great effect, so that some of the auditors wept bitterly4. So likewise in his writings and speeches he laments and mourns on account of the vexations and calamities which have befallen and will befall him in God's Way. And this he did that men's hearts might incline towards him, and that he might stir in them sentiments of compassion and partisanship.

1. Mr. Getsinger. Op. cit, p. 177

* page 84.

2. Mr. Getsinger. Op. Cit., p. 178.

3. Taj, i.e. in this case the tall felt cap which Bahaullah used to wear.

4. He has been photographed many times since, and his prophecy has not been fulfilled." . Op. Cit., p. 178.


Stumbling Blocks   Biographical Sketch   Conversion to faith
Evangelizing   Akka   Disrepancies
Estrangement   Precautions and Prejudice   Deceit
Prophecies   Alleged Duplicity   Khayrullah renounces Abbas Effendi